The Brunt of Another's Anger
I just came from work where an office person flipped out at me. She was so angry that she wasn't even making sense. I have only interacted with her a couple of times and each time she is angry and frustrated and a nightmare to work with. Being the brunt of someone's anger like that really gets to me because my father was verbally and emotionally abusive growing up. I just want to get out of the situation and hide somewhere. I tried to tell a couple of friends about what this office person did and both were sort of questioning me about what I might have done wrong with my time sheet. I finally said, just be supportive for a minute about the way that I was treated. I completely recognize that maybe I should change the way that I do my timesheet (and clearly I will), but let me process it. The whole time sheet thing is ridiculous because they require you to estimate how many hours you will work for one week, and my job isn't so steady that I have any estimation. I hate timesheets altogether - it is so demeaning to have to pay attention to how many hours you're working. What about when I am trying to work but not focused or when I want to work and watch TV at the same time? What about the fact that I work 3 jobs and am trying to do my own research at the same time and don't have any more space in my head for minute details? In the end, I could give a shit about actually having to keep a time sheet I think. My real frustration is that when people in that job change, they have different ways that they want this done and this woman didn't communicate before what she wanted, so I did it the way that the other person had me do it, and if she wants it done differently, that's fine, but just be professional with me. At the very least, I expect to not have someone's frustrations taken out on me. GRRRR.
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