JewBu Quest: From Abuse to Happiness

JewBu: a Jew who practices forms of Buddhist meditation & spirituality. This blog documents my quest to 1) heal from sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse, 2) come to terms with losing Mom and Grandma to Alzheimers, 3) find balance, explore the spiritual, stay present. Bascially, I've experienced some pretty crappy shit in my life and want to find a way to move past it and find happiness.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

How Do I Respond?

I'm really still blown away and hurt by *A*, my supposed best friend. Deciding to be the bigger man, I called him last night. He said that he was renting a movie, and otherwise basically had nothing to say. I said that I was sorry if Friday I was snappish. He didn't say anything. I even asked him, what do you not have anything to say? And he said yes. What am I supposed to do with this?

I'm not even going to see him, I guess, for two weeks because next weekend I'm going to a conference, and during the week, he never feels like doing anything after work and now things are just crap between us, and I'm not sure how I should respond. I feel like just closing up and realizing once again that *A* is not capable of a real relationship, that he refuses to communicate, and that sometimes, he just won't be there for me and won't give me explanations. And, he really doesn't want a real relationship. He wants easy relationships that require little and give much.

Well fuck that. So I'm in a time where I'm kinda needy. I hate that many of my relationships tend to be ruined when I need more then I get AND I recognize that I can be really needy at times. But, *A* is the only support that I where I live. Losing that is a really big set back.

I guess maybe the only thing to do is to try to put whatever aside with him and figure out if there are other people out here that I can connect with in little ways. And I have to let go of missing him and be hurt by him and my dream that he and I could end up together.


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