JewBu Quest: From Abuse to Happiness

JewBu: a Jew who practices forms of Buddhist meditation & spirituality. This blog documents my quest to 1) heal from sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse, 2) come to terms with losing Mom and Grandma to Alzheimers, 3) find balance, explore the spiritual, stay present. Bascially, I've experienced some pretty crappy shit in my life and want to find a way to move past it and find happiness.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

My Friend Unclear If She Can Drive

Okay, so my friend finally called me back about going to KC. Turns out, she has to have shoulder surgery and bascially everything's a mess with her and she's not sure if she can go out to KC with me, but she wants to and may need to and now I don't know if I should try to get a ticket to fly out to KC or wait and see if she'll drive with me. Oy.


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